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let’s shift gears and talk about the culture-at-large instead; specifically the care and tending of children in this dangerous culture. In The Overprotected Kid, Hanna Rosin argues that “a preoccupation with safety has stripped childhood of independence, risk taking, and discovery—without making it safer,” and showcases a special playground in Wales designed to reverse this trend.

让我们改变一种方式来讨论取而代之的大文化,尤其是关于孩子们危险的文化。对于被过分保护的孩子中,Hanna Rosin争辩说,“对安全的关注已经剥夺了童年的自主性,风险承担,和探索发现-而并没变得更安全,” 在威尔士展现了一个特别的操场来改变这种趋势。

imageIn a town in northern Wales an “adventure” playground was built by filling an empty lot with sticks, nails, old tools, tires and empty oil drums: what most people would consider a junk yard. Here kids are allowed to hammer, saw, build stuff, swing across a creek, and even start fires – all with as little adult supervision as possible. It’s messy, dirty and – by most Western parents standards – “insane.”

在北威尔士建造了一种冒险的操场,操场上被填满了许多的木棍,钉子,旧的工具,旧轮胎,还有空油桶: 大部分的人认为这是个垃圾场。这里的孩子被允许用锤子,锯子,建造东西,荡秋千越过小溪,甚至可以点火-所有这些都尽可能的在小大人的监督下。他们很乱很脏,并对大多数的西方父母标杆为“疯子”。
“Today, these playgrounds are so out of sync with affluent and middle-class parenting norms that when I showed fellow parents back home a video of kids crouched in the dark lighting fires, the most common sentence I heard from them was ‘This is insane.’”


Of course, what’s considered “insane” today was part of a normal childhood just a generation or so ago. It was called “play” not “play dates.” It was how kids learned about the world, how to overcome both physical and mental obstacles, stretch their imagination, explore the unknown, solve seemingly impossible problems; and they did it all in the real world where they would reside for the rest of their lives, not the virtual world of video games.


American film-maker Erin Davis made a documentary about The Land after learning about the adventure playground:

The concept behind playgrounds like the Land is that kids are empowered when they learn to manage risks on their own rather than having their lives micro-managed by helicopter parents from cradle through their first job interview.

美国的电影制片人Erin Davi 听说了这个冒险操场以后决定制作一部叫做土地的纪录片:这个理念源于这片操场,在这里孩子们被赋予了巨大的能量当他们学会管理危险。从前他们一出生到拿到第一份面试就被父母细腻的管理。

Norms that are not just “routine” but expected, as Danielle and Alexander Meitiv discovered. They are in hot water after the police picked up their kids, age 6 and 10, while walking home from the park. The Meitivs are now being investigated for child neglect.

The Meitiv kids, engaging in “dangerous behavior,” American style

The Meitivs say they believe in “free-range” parenting, a movement that has been a counterpoint to the hyper-vigilance of “helicopter” parenting, with the idea that children learn self-reliance by being allowed to progressively test limits, make choices and venture out in the world.


Better to teach your child how to play with fire rather than curse the darkness.



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