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背单词|Recite selina 4078℃ 0评论


1. 拍球背字母:根据所背单词的字母数量边拍边背。

2. Tennis:分为2组,每组1个学生



3. 卡内基教学法:

先合上书,让学生安静地听着,你读出几个单词。然后让学生告诉你刚才你报过的单词,跟读后记得给学生赞美!如:“My goodness! I can not believe!”最后,记得根据小朋友跟读的单词一一按照拼读法写在白板上。动静结合的课堂才是完美的快乐的课堂。

4.Peer Teaching:

To divide all the students into 2 or 3 team. Then let each team to sit together. Now let them call numbers by themselves. Ok, when teacher say Num.1, that num.1 student of each team should stand up and to be a little teacher, but left students should follow little teachers to read what little teachers read in the book. Meanwhile, teacher should go around with a pen and paper to record who is good or bad.

5. Disco:

Prepare some rhythmed Disco music. Then we could recite English words like, box-1,2,3, go–b-o-x-box,yeh!    This is a very interesting and relaxed teaching method!

6. Snack box:

We could prepare a snack box to students in breaking.

7. Massage time:

We could insert a massage light music after their long-time recitation, and let them massage for each other. we could say some orders like:

massage the shoulders 10 times, massge the ears 10 times, massage the back 10 times. Harder!!OK, everybody close your eyes listen the music. 在学生闭眼听了3分钟的轻音乐后,老师开始轻轻地将今天之前所学的单词在念一便给学生听。

转载请注明:乐课堂 » 背英语单词其实也可以很有趣!

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