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英文故事教学游戏English Story Teaching Games

英文故事戏剧 selina 16389℃ 0评论



中国的孩子学英语其实不难的,比较许多语法顺序都是和英文大致相同的,不如,我们说:“我是一个女孩”, 英文也是同样的主谓宾顺序,“I am a girl.”




A. 首先,我们的课堂故事教学可以准备的教具Resources有哪些:

1. A4 character cards(人物卡),story filmstip(故事幻灯片), storyboard-learner’s pictures and sentence strips(句型条), action charades activity(动作手势活动).

B. 读故事前我们可以做些什么活动(Pre-storytelling)呢:

1. Introduce the characters and elicit prior knowledge of the story.(介绍一下故事的主角和预备知识)

2. Show the book cover to arouse their interest and trigger their memoris. (展示封面,引起孩子兴趣和触发回忆)Ask some questions about the book cover. (关于封面提问)Who can you see on the cover? What’s she wearing? Where is she? …

3. Organise them in a circle around you.

C. 读完故事后我们可以做些什么游戏呢(Storytelling activities):

1. 关键词配动作。Act out the main actions as you tell the story. For instance, when they hear “little red riding hood”, they skip; “the wolf”, they growl.

2. 举起人物卡。Give each of your children a character card and ask them to hold up the flashcard whenever they hear the corrcect name.

3. 确认剧情片段。Divide your class into groups and give them a set of Story A4 flashcards. Again, ask them to hold up the correct flashcard for each part of the story they hear. Alternatively, place the flc around the room. Ask your children to point to(Say the relevant numbers) the correct flc for each part of the story they hear.

4. 重述并提问。Retell the story and ask questions

5. 缺词填空。Finish sentences as you retell the story, for example, It’s a big bad____.

6. “拍”错。Ask your children to clap their hands when they hear a mistake. For example, “Once upson a time there was a little boy..”CLAP! Continue telling the story with the correct word.

7. “我发现”单词强化训练。Play “I-spy” with the differnt pages of the book. For example, I spy with my little eye, something beginning with “w” to arouse them to focus on some of the vocabulary.

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