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Gramma Game 英语语法游戏

语法游戏|Grammar selina 29196℃ 0评论

1. 介词篮球 Preposition Basketball

用篮球作为道具,将其放在教室的各各位置来联系介词。For example: The basketball is in the chair/on the desk/beside the door/under John’s foot/in Marry’s hand….


2. Comparison Game 级别游戏
Canada is colder than Japan.

3. Article Jeopardy 冠词竞答
Review the usage of articles: a,an,the,some,any,few,a few, a little, little, this, that, these, those
事先准备好题目,并用标有不同分数的纸条盖住,也可做成多媒体课件。如: I don’t have______money.(many, some, any)

4.Possessive adjectives and pronouns 物主代词的简单练习游戏
Ball Bomb 弹球游戏
Have Ss form a circle with their chairs or just sit on the ground. You hold up a ball and declare” This is not MY ball, this is YOUR ball”.or”This is not mine, this is yours,his,hers,etc”
Meanwhile, you will also be keeping time with a watch or stop-watch as the play moves along. when a predetermined time limit is up, yell”BOOM!”

5.Countable and Uncountable nouns 可数不可数名词操练游戏
(Shopping Around the World 环球购物)
Write on the board:
Uncountable nouns(always singular):
some bread, some water, some cheese, some hair, some honey
Countable nouns(plural add s/es):
An apple/some apples, a carrot/some carrots, a flower/some flowers
Last year, I went to Austria to buy some apples. Then I went to Brazil to buy  some bananas…
Then, I went to (A country starting with C)to buy a/an/some(a noun starting with C)…

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