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Class! There are still two minutes to go.(同学们!还有两分钟就要上课咯!)
My watch is five minutes slow/fast. (我的表慢/快5分钟。)
What day is it today?(今天星期几?)
What date is it today?(今天是几号?)
1. Is erveryone here? (都到了吗?)
2. I’d like to check the attendance first./Let’s have a roll call.(让我们先点下名。)
3. Who is absent?(谁没来?)
4. Why is she/he absent? (他为什么不来?)
5. What’s wrong with him/her? (他怎么了?)

1. personal leave 事假

2. sick leave 病假

3. on business 公务
1. No more talking, please. (请不要说话了)
2. What were we last time? -We were at page…,last time. (我们上次说到哪儿了?-我们上次说到第X页了。)
3. First, we shall review what we did last time.(首先,我们先来复习下上次学的内容。)
4. Here are some handouts to be used in this class. One copy for each. Pass them on, please.(这些材料马上会在课上使用。一人一份。请传下去。)
5. I’ll analyze the structure of this sentence.(我来分析下这个句子的结构。)
6. You can infer it from the context. (你们可以从上下文推断出。)
7. Who’d like to give a synonym/antonym for ‘small’? (谁可以说下small的同义词或反义词?)
8. Any volunteers? (还有人愿意回答吗?)
9. Don’t interrupt him when he is answering questions. (当他在回答时不要打断他。)
10. Let him go on. (让他说下去。)
11. Here we can substitue ‘mine’ for ‘my hometown’. (这边,我们可以用mine代替my hometown)
12. The word in this sentence is used figuretively(这个单词在这个句子中用做比喻)
13. Is this a simile(明喻) or a metaphor(隐喻)?(这是明喻还是隐喻?)
14. ‘As white as snow’ is a simile. (像雪一样白就是明喻)
15. ‘The rose’ is often a metaphor for love. (玫瑰常常代表爱情就是隐喻)
16. Copydown (the phrases and expressions) from the blackboard. (抄下黑板下的…)
17. Mind the words in italllics and bold type in the sentence. (注意句子中的斜体和粗体字)
18. Capitalise the letter. (字母大写)
19. Write it neatly. (整齐地书写)
20. No whispering to each other. (不要悉悉索索的)
21. Please make sentences using the pattern ‘be going to’ (请用”be going to”这个结构来造个句子)
22. You left one word in the sentence.  (在这个句子里,你少写一个单词)
23. Sorry, I have overrun the time. (对不起,我拖堂了。)

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